Sober living

Don’t Be Fooled by These 5 Lies About Alcohol

why do alcoholics lie

Unfortunately, lying is a comfortable way of life for the alcoholic. They may make up stories or manipulate others to get the funds they need. This behavior can strain relationships and lead to financial difficulties. However, this avoidance of consequences can exacerbate the problem. It can delay the person’s realization of how much drinking has impacted their life and the lives of those around them. Alcoholics think, act, believe, and feel based on distorted perceptions or themselves and the world around them.

On the television show, House, the main character, Dr. House, often stated that all patients lie. While he accepted it as normal patient behavior, to cover up important health details and possible clues to their current illness, he was also not happy about being lied to. In real life, there are doctors who get very upset when their patients lie, even addiction specialists. So, is it wrong to be angry about the lies that your loved one tells you to cover up their drinking?

A person with an addiction may lie about how often they use a substance or engage in a behavior. Or they may lie about where they are or what they are doing to cover up the fact that they are drinking alcohol, using substances, or engaging a something related to a behavioral addiction. The journey through alcoholism is often paved with a complex web of lies, not solely to deceive others but sometimes as a form of self-delusion. Individuals battling alcoholism might not be inherently dishonest people; rather, the nature of addiction often compels them to create an alternate reality.

  • But ultimately, this behavior avoids the complicated, necessary work required to recover.
  • Yet, if a parent was an abusive alcoholic, they should not be surprised to find that their adult children keep their distance.
  • It’s essential to explore and utilize the available options to find what works best for the unique needs and circumstances of the alcoholic and their loved ones.
  • Completing alcohol rehab is a proven method for overcoming alcoholism.
  • Rather than just asking if they have thought about treatment, it’s best to be specific and share the information you have gathered about types of treatment and places they can go to get it.

Alcoholism is unique as a disease in that it not only hides from view – it also lies to its carrier about its presence. The person who is active in addiction has a unique choice relative to all other diseases. We see that alcoholics will abstain from drinking for a time to prove to themselves or others that they are not addicted, only to return later with a vengeance. As alcoholism progresses, drinking moves from the periphery of a person’s life to the center. Once it’s firmly entrenched as a person’s reason for living, a person will lie in order to keep drinking.

It’s common to hear them say, “The only reason I drink is because you…” Our program addresses physical, nutritional, chemical, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual, lifestyle values, and challenges. In an alcoholic’s impaired mind, alcohol becomes essential for survival.

Breaking Through the Lies Alcoholics Tell

Let’s face it, they are living in a world of denial and if we get honest enough with ourselves, we will realize that we are living in denial as well. It’s really not important to understand why they do this, just accept the fact and leave them alone when they do it. In other words, their behavior, rather than your reaction to their behavior, becomes the focus. It is only when they experience their own pain that they will feel a need to change. For example, if your loved one passes out in the yard and you carefully help them into the house and into bed, only you feel the pain.

Finally, people who are addicted to alcohol often relapse even when they are trying to abstain from drinking. This is because remaining sober is incredibly difficult, and relapse provides a sense of relief that helps keep people addicts motivated. Seeking alcohol addiction treatment is crucial for individuals struggling with alcohol dependency as it can help them regain control of their lives and improve their overall well-being.

Alcoholics and lying: The painful truth of the life of an alcoholic.

Addiction takes over and uses a person’s own best thinking against them. The addicted brain becomes a weapon and tool of survival for the disease of addiction, leaving its victim helpless. If these changes are intimidating, you might get tempted to lie to delay treatment. You may tell yourself that you’ll seek help tomorrow, next week, or next year. You might also tell yourself that you’ll accept treatment if your doctor insists or if your spouse threatens divorce. In the meantime, you might lie to your doctor or spouse to prevent them from issuing an ultimatum.

why do alcoholics lie

It’s essential to explore and utilize the available options to find what works best for the unique needs and circumstances of the alcoholic and their loved ones. Building a strong support system and accessing appropriate resources can contribute significantly to the recovery process and long-term sobriety. Coping (dealing) with the lying nature of the problem drinker is better done through accepting the fact that lies are a way of life for the substance abuser. People who struggle with alcoholism often lie about the extent of their drinking.

Partial Hospital Programs: Substance Abuse Treatment Guide

They badly want to believe that you understand your needs for assistance, but they know deep down that you are just merely saying what they want to hear. Drinking is your go-to coping method, and drinking more would exacerbate any addiction discussion. If people try to approach you about your drinking issue, they already expect you to lie or dismiss their request for a talk. People who have an alcohol use problem frequently use alcohol to numb physical, mental, or emotional suffering. People who suffer from alcoholism may never have learned how to deal with life’s concerns and challenges. It makes no sense at all that someone would ruin their life, health, and relationships by getting drunk.

Understanding why people who struggle with alcoholism lie can be a crucial step in helping them on their journey to recovery. To do so, we must first understand the most common reasons individuals suffering from alcoholism may resort to dishonesty. This can provide valuable insights for loved ones to better confront these behaviors. The first reason that alcoholics like is to avoid dealing with problems. They may not have healthy coping mechanisms to fall back on when things get tricky. Without drinking, they may fear the reality that remains and the problems that will be front and center.

Avoiding Forced Change

We’ve strongly linked alcohol to pleasure, as though we can’t truly celebrate an anniversary without champagne, watch a sporting event without a beer, or enjoy a nice dinner without wine. “It’s everywhere—not just drinking, but overdrinking. It’s assumed that it belongs in every celebration, social experience, date, dinner. So we don’t even question it most of the time.” McKowen believed “alcohol made everything more, and brought me closer to whatever I was experiencing.” But when she gave up alcohol, she realized the opposite was true. “It was squashing and interfering with my experience. And it created a numbness around me and inside of me—even when I wasn’t drinking.” Habitually relying on alcohol for anxiety reduction also gets in the way of developing other ways to cope.

Our comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment program is designed to provide individualized care and support throughout the recovery process. The consequences of alcoholism can be severe, affecting all aspects of a person’s life. It can lead to health problems, strained relationships, legal issues, and a decline in overall quality of life. Additionally, alcoholism often brings about a range of emotional and psychological struggles, including guilt, shame, depression, and anxiety. Sometimes, people who struggle with alcoholism may lie to shift blame onto others. They may deny responsibility for their actions or accuse someone else of causing their drinking.

People may blame loved ones or employers for causing stress that led to their drinking problems. Or they may point the finger at a friend or co-worker for buying eco sober house cost them a beer in the past. Remember, recovery is a personal journey, and each individual may find different forms of support and resources more helpful.

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